Aquarius Full Moon at 9°16’—August 1

The degree through which today’s full moon occurs illuminates “having the courage to keep moving forward even when the going gets rough or when there seems to be no appreciation of effort or accomplishment…”

Imperturbability. This is Aquarian energy at its finest.

Imperturbability is a word that describes being ‘incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm’. The adjective imperturbable is the flip side of perturbable, which comes from perturb, which traces back to the Latin word perturbare, meaning ‘to confuse’ or ‘to disturb’.

Through this same degree there are stepping stones of trendiness, transientness, elusiveness, change, instability, impermanence, mutability, perishables, temporariness, briefness, and momentariness.

With these, as well, there may be an unexpected emergence or provoking influence, additionally, that further confuses or disturbs your perspective, outlook, mindset, or version of ideal.

The real and raw reality of your personal reality, essentially, is being confused and/or disturbed.

Further, ‘the important thing to realize, or remember, is that true depth of character and self-worth does not always equate with having the popular support of others… also, we often project what we want to see onto both ourselves and others and this may not have much to do with the actual core of [who you are, really, deep within]…’

Disappointments and disillusionments are a potential.

This full moon occurs within the first decan of Aquarius, governed by both Venus and Saturn, and is associated with the 5 of swords…

This first decan of Aquarius is associated to the 5 of swords in the tarot—a card that tarot reader/writer Theresa Reed claims is her least favorite card in the deck, as this is the card most connected to ‘dishonor, hostility, criminal activity, rip-off, abuse, and a lack of morals…’

Reed continues, that this card is “always a sign of trouble…” if it shows up in a reading.

Of course this isn’t a reading—it’s a post delineating the Aquarian full moon and all of its associations.

Astrologer Austin Coppock, toward the first decan of Aquarius, writes that “the figures seen here thus bear the mark of the eccentric, exile, the rebel, and the pioneer… this is the face of exclusion and intentional exile.”

That’s always trouble…

Toward the five of swords, Coppock writes of this card historically symbolizing ‘defeat’, and even further, specifically notes “the power of this decan to sever and destroy relationships, and although a bit hyperbolic, this points toward the abandonments which are inherent in the dynamic of exile… whether one goes into exile in order to seek riches, for freedom or because they were banished, relationships are always sacrificed, though others may come to replace them.”

I really appreciate Coppock’s full spectrum toward these historically rooted associations; he concludes that “in this face we gather what we can from outside the norm… the frontier of any reality system is hard—there is a reason it extends no further—though exile from the core always comes with hardship, there are material, intellectual and spiritual riches on the frontier, but to seek them requires a break with the known.”


One cannot manage to break a habit or routine without flipping the script.

One must sacrifice familiarity and comforts in exchange for one’s insatiable curiosities for what lies beyond their own familiarity and comforts… and those with insatiable curiosities have never been favored, supported, or encouraged in our society.

In the tarot, 5’s represent imbalance—and so pinpointing ways in which you can find balance is key.

With the 5 of swords, more specifically, it is an imbalance of thoughts and conflicts—meaning that “sometimes one can only find one’s way when exiled from one’s habitual circles of mutuality.”

Finding the balance—even when exchanging your familiar ways for new ways—will be an essential point to remember, and only going ‘beyond’ when you’ve prepared boundaries and parameters to keep you from venturing too far over the edge.


The essence of this decan—above all else—is to be yourself.

Absolutely. Truly. Always. Simply. Regardless.

Being imperturbable in a world of chaos is like being unflappable in a pigeon loft, it is not impossible, but it will require cunning.

—Neil Mach

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🖋 by Jamie James
📷 by cult.class
🌐 moonmoodsdaily.com
📰 jamiejames.substack.com
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🧿 I read the stars and I feed the birds… and I’m available for couple’s consultation sessions, chart-coupling, and astro-cartography consultations as well as traditional six-month astrological consultations—direct message me or comment below.

Coppock, A ‘36 Faces’ Three Hands Press; ©2014. Chang, TS. ‘36 Secrets.’ Anima Mundi Press; ©2021.

Dore, J. ‘Tarot for Change.’ VIKING; ©2021.

Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; ©2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; ©2004.
Kaldera, R. ‘Moon Phase Astrology.’ Destiny Books; ©2011.

Reed, T. ‘Tarot: No Questions Asked.’ Weiser Books; ©2020.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; ©1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; ©1973.

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